7 Day Raw Detox


You Deserve to Have MORE Energy!

Not Only will a detox assist you in re-alkalizing your body causing you to feel more energetic, invigorated, healthier, less bloated and all round happier; PLUS it will also assist you in beginning to create new life-enhancing eating habits that will also impact the people in your life and family. You can break a habit anytime, but creating one may take time. So using this full 7 days with all the recipes, shopping lists, meal planners, VIP Support group and more might just be exactly what you need to create new positive eating habits creating a much healthier and happier lifestyle. Live longer! Live Stronger! You deserve to feel good and be happy!

SO what exactly is detoxification?

Well, simply put it’s a simple process that intentionally removes as many of the bodies ‘un-wanted’ toxins as possible. Every day we breathe air and eat food that is full of free radicals and toxins causing our body to go into an acidic state opening a window to allow for sickness, illness, slow metabolism, bloated-ness and increased body fat!

When the cells are hit with these toxins and free radicals, it literally kills off the electrons and once the cell reaches a certain amount of electrons the cell then dies. Once the cell dies it is replaced by a weaker version of its former self with less of the receptor sites it wasn’t using (i.e. to absorb nutrients) and more of the receptor sites it was using (i.e. fat). So the key is to use nutrients, minerals and antioxidants that are known as methyl-donors to help replenish the electrons at the cellular level. The most powerful way to do this is through increasing the alkalinity in our body.

What is Alkalizing?

Not only does Tony Robbins, the greatest Motivational Speaker on the planet use and promote this very form of detox, Dr Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young the authors of the Ph. Miracle say the following:

“Never count calories, fat grams, or food portions again! Say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease. Say hello to renewed vigor, mental clarity, better overall health, and a lean, trim body. The key? Your health depends on the pH balance of its blood, striking the optimum 80/20 balance between an alkaline and acidic environment provided by eating certain foods. Now an innovative, proven effective diet program can work with your body chemistry and help revitalize and maintain your health. Rediscover the secrets of: * Breakfast, the low-carb, high-fibre meal that will be the biggest change you'll make; * The cleanse--a liquid detox to reduce your body's impurities and normalize digestion and metabolism; *Ridding your body of harmful bacteria, yeast, and molds; *Alkaline foods--tomatoes, avocados, and green vegetables-and how to mix them with mildly acidic foods like fish, grains, and certain fruits to create tempting and delicious meals; *Supplements--how to select, shop, and calculate the right dosage for you; *Water, the all-important drink-how to make sure yours is safe, pure, and plentiful.”

So What EXACTLY is The 7 Day Raw Detox?

The 7 Day Raw Detox is a Vegan 7 day detox which means no consumption of processed foods (unless processed by you) no cooked food of any kind and nothing that originates from a living creature including any animals OR insects!

This includes no alcohol, coffee, meat, eggs, cheese, dairy, sugar, cereal, bread, pasta, rice, packet food or anything preserved through a cooking method of any kind.

You will be completely surprised how much food that still leaves when you take a look at our exciting recipes. Any fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, filtered water, herbs, spices, super foods, sprouted greens and lentils, cold pressed oils, raw vegan protein powder and much more.

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