5 This Potent Herbs Prevent Alzheimer

5 This Potent Herbs Prevent Alzheimer

Alzheimer's disease is one of the common types of dementia, a disease that attacks the brain and human memory. Alzheimer's disease makes its victims suffer senility, lost memory, confusion, labile mood changes, as well as the difficulties of living day to day activities.

But Alzheimer's disease can be prevented and the sufferer can also assisted with some of the following: natural herbs

Thailand black pepper
Piperine, one substance in black pepper Thailand is known to be rich in antioxidants and can help protect the brain from degenerative diseases that can damage the brain as it happens in Alzheimer's disease. These antioxidants are very important, both to prevent Alzheimer 's, as well as for consumption by patients who are affected by Alzheimer 's.

Black tea
PAI-1 is one of the identified genes can lead to various diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and Alzheimer 's. One of the plants that have an anchoring of PAI-1 is a black tea. Black tea extract known to contain a substance called theflavin that could prevent the PAI-1 is produced by the body. The results of this research are contained in the International Journal of Molecular Medicine.

Rosemary leaf extract is known to be able to increase memory. In the Journal for the Study of Medicinal Plants, the researchers found that consuming plant rosemary can help patients affected by Alzheimer and dementia, as well as those who are still healthy prevents from developing.

Other herbs containing many antioxidants is cinnamon. A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease in 2009 revealed that ceylon cinnamon in able to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Research on the benefits of cinnamon against Alzheimer's disease still continue because researchers see the potential in this spice.

That's some herbs can prevent Alzheimer's disease naturally. Alzheimer's is difficult to treat, it's very important to do preventive action before it is exposed to the disease. The above herbs can help you to maintain brain health and protect him from disease.

7 Natural Ways to Keep ' Long-Lasting '

7 Natural Ways to Keep ' Long-Lasting '
One of the problems most often experienced by men's erection problems. Be it erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or in other words the man could not be ' durable ' on top of the bed. Most people think that the only way to resolve it is to use pills such as viagra. But there are many natural ways that can be done to improve the quality of their man in sexual matters.

Here are some of the ways men can do in order to be durable in a bed. Some of them are consuming natural foods that are nutritious vegetables, and some of the steps that must be done if you want to overcome sexual problems. The following details is:

The fruit of the blackberry

The Blackberry is one of dark berry fruit and contain a lot of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are one form of a powerful antioxidant and can help make a stronger erection. Eating one cup of blackberries every night before going to bed will solve Your erection problems for healthy and natural.

Do not smoke

Smoking habit really should be stopped if you want stronger erections and durable. Smoking is known to be able to lose your ability to make an erection. This certainly could be an additional reason to immediately stop smoking, in addition to maintaining the health of the heart and lungs.

Eat dark chocolate

Brown is one of those foods that is believed aprodisiac can give You abundant energy. If you want to get the most out of dark chocolate consumption, four hours before lovemaking with a partner. Not only that, dark chocolate is also known to contain many antioxidants that nourish the body.


Pomegranates or pomegranate would provide energy in men and helps improve their erections naturally. The consumption of one cup of Pomegranate juice to increase energy, every day. A cup of Pomegranate juice alone is enough for a man to show his strength.


The research revealed that 70 percent of men who experience erectile problems are caused by the physical mind and have tried to do acupuncture. This traditional treatment known to work very well to help men in order to be durable in a bed. Not only that, acupuncture therapy is one of the natural ways that will not give any side effects.

Eating garlic

Garlic known as allicin-containing foods. These substances serve to unleash a flow of blood in the reproductive organs. Of course eating garlic will help men to get erections stronger and durable naturally and healthy.


Exercising not only can make the body fit, but also can provide benefits for those of you who have problems with erection. Exercise at least one hour per day will help men to have erections stronger and durable. This way is also very natural and easy to do if you are disciplined.

That's some of the ways that men can do to cope with erection problems that had befallen him. Don't give up, because this problem could happen to anyone. Better choose natural ways like that way comparison takes seven pills that are not natural and can give side effects.

Making Love During The Holidays Can Make Women More Hot

Making Love During The Holidays Can Make Women More Hot

Living in the present is filled many challenges and squeeze out a lot of energy compared to a few decades before. Women and men of today's more hectic, less time is spent for yourself and your spouse.

The bad effects of husband and wife, intimacy is reduced, but it is important in the life of the household.

If you think so, and intimacy with your husband more cold, immediately schedule a vacation. A vacation deliberately designed to make love could make women more passionate.

All the new things that come by during the holidays make you and your husband to forget for a moment all the things weight and work.

Sometimes the pressure of everyday life becomes a problem for life fuck the husband and wife. So the holidays will make both of you more focus to enjoy intimacy. More passionate, more happy, like a newlywed again.

Open the first honeymoon memories also make you and your husband recall fond memories. You will be more tender-hearted and can enjoy the intimacy of a whole person. So design a getaway with your beloved husband is okay.

Drinking Diet Soda Actually Increased Appetite

Drinking Diet Soda Actually Increased Appetite

More and more health-conscious people, more and more low-calorie drinks or diet soda for sale. Reportedly, diet soda is healthier and can keep the weight off. In fact, not really.

In a study published in the American Journal of Public Health, offered by Newsmaxhealth.com, those who drank diet soda in the United States thus consuming more calories, the 1962 calories per day. Compared with those who did not consume the drinks sweet anyway, they're just consuming the calories 1.874.

As for those who are obese, people who drink diet soda consumes 2.058 calories per day, while the regular drinks, consuming only 1,905 calories per day. This value is quite a lot, so does the diet soda can indeed help to lose weight? It seems not.

"Artificial sweeteners (usually in a diet drink) can affect the metabolism and triggers hunger," said Sara Bleich, head of research. It's what makes someone eat more while consuming diet soda.

So it's not always something labeled diet can keep your body weight. That is required is a diet and lifestyle, not just his drink.

Confused Overcame Bad Breath? Try The Following Natural Ways!

Confused Overcame Bad Breath? Try The Following Natural Ways!

Breath smells unpleasant, often lowers self-confidence. It is quite a bit of influence on some of the things in your life.

After discussing some factors of bad breath, will now be given tips in the handle and keep the bad breath stays fresh. Here's how to solve bad breath naturally is as follows:

Maintaining oral hygiene

You can do this by brushing your teeth twice a day and every exhausted packed for cleaning the mouth from the pile of plaque and food scraps. Don't forget to brush your tongue.

Replace toothbrushes every 2-3 months and use a dental floss to clean the gaps between teeth. If you use false teeth, try to clean and take it off every night.

If you want to use a mouthwash, use a mouthwash that kills bacteria and not just mask bad breath.

Check your teeth

Visit your dentist regularly. The dentist will evaluate the cleanliness of your teeth and see if there are any caries.

Drink plenty of plain water

This prevents the mouth to keep it from drying out. In addition you can chew gum are unsweetened to stimulate saliva glands to produce saliva so that the mouth remain moist and does not smell.

Walking is able to strengthen the leg?

Walking is able to strengthen the leg?

Walking is one of the forms of exercising the most simple. Walking is a safe sport and anyone can do it without the need for a specific sport skills and tools.

Walk able to provide many health benefits for your body. Walking regularly, you help the body to improve the health conditions of the heart and lungs.

Not only that, it also able to strengthen legs.Walking will calm the muscles and relaxing your body so that it can increase blood circulation to the entire body.

This process is able to burn any fat deposits in your calves, thighs, as well as being able to Flex the muscles that eventually can strengthen the feet.

Further, brisk walking is done regularly will burn calories in the body. That is why you need to take the time to walk every day. adults are encouraged to walk at least 30 minutes per day.

Hot Legs Workout - A Complete Easy To Follow Strength Training Program

Hot Legs Workout - A Complete Easy To Follow Strength Training Program

"Insanely Simple and Quick Workout Program That Anyone Can Use to Get Heavenly Legs. 4 Weeks Program Used By National Body Champion Ensures Results!"

Discover what real exercise is

Forget the little pink weights, forget the butt blaster, and forget "muscle sculpting” with Susie the hyperactive personal trainer. Don’t waste your time with exercises like bicep curls or walking on a treadmill. For 99% of all people, exercises like these are inefficient.

Somehow the notion that exercise should be either easy or only moderately difficult continues to be the most detrimental misunderstanding by many would be exercisers. People are being misled into believing that they only need to mildly exert themselves and they will reap dramatic benefits in the process.

This misguided assumption destroys the potential effectiveness of the exercise regime of every person who possesses this belief. You will be very disappointed with your lack of results if you let this belief interfere with your willingness to exert yourself during your workouts.

If you want to truly improve your lower body forget the useless ineffective exercises that other programs will tell you to do

Let’s get thing straight – activities such walking, running, biking, swimming, etc are often construed as exercise by the media, general public and health/medical professionals. These activities qualify as recreational physical activities and do not satisfy the definition of exercise and are not a necessary component of a proper exercise program.

You have been lied to about the type of exercise that will get you real results

Modern technology continues to make manual work a thing of the past. To make matters worse, magazines, newspapers, books, and ill informed fitness instructors have for years been inappropriately lowering the standards of exercise and telling people to: "go at an easy pace", "stop if you feel discomfort“, and of course “ do what you enjoy, as exercise should be fun!".

Now they are even telling us that activities such as grocery shopping, gardening, walking, playing with the kids, all qualify as exercise. So, is it any wonder that when an attempt is made to teach people "real" exercise they have such a hard time coming to grips with the reality of hard work?

Why cardio type exercise will NEVER improve your lower body

Recreational activity and an exercise program are two separate things. The benefits of proper exercise, and the stimuli necessary to produce beneficial health improvements, cannot be accomplished with recreational activities.

If we are to expect anything in the way of meaningful results from exercise, including noticeable visual changes in body shape and appearance, we must exercise in such a way that challenges our bodies beyond our already existing capabilities. Only then will the body adapt.

This is where this workout program comes in and will give you solid direction on how to shape, tighten and trim your lower body to achieve the pair of hot legs you desire.
  • the one stop guide for total leg training
  • easy and simple to follow routines for shapelier legs
  • guarantees to help tone and tighten legs from top to bottom

You will know this program is for real from the first time you try it. You will feel the muscles in your butt, hip and thigh area working with each repetition and getting firmer and tighter with each passing week.

7 "FATTY" Foods that Can Help You to Get a Flat Stomach

7 "FATTY" Foods that Can Help You to Get a Flat Stomach

At this point, the anti-fat propaganda has died and almost everybody understands by now that eating fat doesn't necessarily make you fat. In fact, it's absolutely imperative to get enough healthy fats in your diet to keep your hormones balanced, blood sugar under control, and prevent cravings. Here are 7 examples of "fatty" foods that can actually HELP you to get lean...

1. Super Dark Chocolate (at least 72% cacao content or higher)

It might not be a secret anymore, but yes, dark chocolate (NOT milk chocolate) can be a very healthy food, even though it is technically calorie dense.

However, I would contend that dark chocolate can actually HELP you to burn off more body fat if you're the type of person that has a sweet tooth and likes to eat a lot of desserts. In this case, just 1 or 2 small squares of dark chocolate can many times satisfy your sweet tooth for only 30 or 40 calories as opposed to 500 calories for a piece of chocolate cake or a piece of pie.

2. Coconut milk, coconut flour, and coconut oil

Coconut milk and oil are great sources of a super healthy type of saturated fat called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), including a component called lauric acid, which is a powerful nutrient for your immune system, and is lacking in most western diets. In addition, MCTs are readily used for energy by the body and less likely to be stored as bodyfat compared to other types of fats.

3. Grass-fed (pasture-raised) butter

Yes, delicious smooth and rich BUTTER (real butter, not deadly margarine!)... It's delicious, contains loads of healthy nutritional factors, and does NOT have to be avoided in order to get lean. In fact, I eat a couple pats of grass-fed butter daily and maintain single digit bodyfat most times of the year.

There's a lot of confusion about this topic... in fact, I just saw a TV show today that was talking about unhealthy foods and one of the first things they showed was butter. It just shows that the majority of the population has zero idea that butter (grass-fed only!) can actually be a healthy part of your diet.

4. Whole Eggs, including the yolk (not just egg whites)

Most people know that eggs are one of the highest quality sources of protein. However, most people don't know that the egg yolks are the healthiest part of the egg... that's where almost all of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (such as lutein) are found in eggs.

In fact, the egg yolks contain more than 90% of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate, and B12, and panthothenic acid of the egg. In addition, the yolks contain ALL of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K in the egg, as well as ALL of the essential fatty acids. Also, the protein of whole eggs is more bio-available than egg whites alone due to a more balanced amino acid profile that the yolks help to build.

5. Grass-fed beef or bison (NOT the typical grain-fed grocery store beef!)

I know most people think that red meat is unhealthy for you, but that's because they do not understand how the health of the animal affects how healthy the meat is for consumption. Keep this in mind -- "an unhealthy animal provides unhealthy meat, but a healthy animal provides healthy meat".

Typical beef or bison that you see at the grocery store is raised on grains, mainly corn (and to some extent, soybeans). Soy and corn are NOT the natural diet of cattle or bison, and therefore changes the chemical balance of fats and other nutrients in the beef or bison. Grain-fed beef and bison is typically WAY too high in omega-6 fats and WAY too low in omega-3 fats. In addition, the practice of feeding cattle corn and soy as the main portion of their diet upsets their digestive system and makes them sick... and it also increases the amount of dangerous e-coli in the meat. This is not the case with grass-fed meat.

6. Avocados

Even though avocados are typically thought of as a "fatty food", they are chock full of healthy fats! Not only is this fruit (yes, surprisingly, avocados are actually a fruit) super-high in monounsaturated fat, but also chock full of vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, and antioxidants.

Also, in my opinion, guacamole (mashed avocados with garlic, onion, tomato, pepper, etc) is one of the most delicious food toppings ever created, and you can be happy to know that it's also one of the healthiest toppings you can use on your foods. Try sliced avocados or guacamole on sandwiches, burgers, eggs or omelets, on salads or with fish, or as a delicious side to just about any meal.

7. Nuts: Walnuts, Almonds, Pistachios, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Macadamias, etc

Yes, this is yet another "fatty food" that can actually help you burn belly fat! Although nuts are generally between 75-90% fat in terms of a ratio of fat calories to total calories, this is another type of food that is all healthy fats, along with high levels of micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Nuts are also a good source of fiber and protein, which of course, you know helps to control blood sugar and can aid in fat loss. ReadMore...

Sleep Well and Tight

Sleep Well and Tight

Do you feel tired when you wake up?
Do you feel that you don’t have energy?
Are under constant stress?
Do you have problems falling asleep?
The quality of your sleep doesn’t satisfy you?
Do you feel that you simply can’t rest properly?
Have you become an insomniac?
If you answered yes to at least one of the questions above, then you definitely lack one thing: a good night’s sleep.

A good sleep is a must for everyone, regardless of age, sex or ethnicity.

You require sleep to be fit!

Recent researches have found striking connections between disorders like heart problems, high blood pressure, weight gain, sleep deprived persons, etc. Therefore, to avoid such drastic circumstances one must get an adequate amount of sleep.

http://bit.ly/1jbRdWL In this busy world where everyone is in a rush, and no one seems to have enough time, sleep is underrated, and most times, people usually don’t get enough of it, which leads to problems in the sleep patterns and metabolism. In order to stay fit and lead a better life one must feel fit and the best natural way to achieve this is to get some good quality sleep!

You don’t remember now, but there was a time when you slept like a baby, when you woke up each and every morning fully refreshed, with tons of energy to use throughout the day. And this without coffee, energy drinks, chocolate, vitamins and other pills.

You don’t have to wait anymore. You can order your copy of the book now and start sleeping better, than you ever have right away. The order is processed instantly, and you can have the book in your possession literally, in a couple of minutes.

7 Habits for Granted This Could Damage the Brain at Anytime

7 Habits for Granted This Could Damage the Brain at Anytime

The brain is the most important part that exists in humans. Because the brain is the center of all activities went on and a source that is in a person's body. So don't ever think poorly of the role of the brain of the ladies. And therefore, we must be wary of the 7 habits that apparently can damage the brain below.

No Breakfast

Do not consume anything in the morning is believed to be able to make your body down. However this can cause a decrease in blood sugar levels that make the intake of nutrients to the brain. And true enough, if it became a habit it may result in deterioration of the brain.

Most Eat

Eat it is very necessary. However, eating too much can harden the vessels of the brain that usually leads people in declining mental powers. So adjust your diet from now on.


It is not just harmful to smokers lungs just ya ladies. Because smoking can cause shrinkage of the brain that ultimately makes the brain loses its functions the tablets.

Rarely Talk

Seem trivial, but it is also not good for brain development. Because intellectual conversations bring great effect on the working of the brain. So, frequently spoke the varied for the sake of the health of the brain.

Covering One's Head While Sleeping

Sleeping with the head covered is very dangerous because the carbon dioxide produced during sleep is concentrated so polluted, the brain gradually becomes corrupted.

Thinking Too Hard

The nih super big no no! The brain also has a limitation in the work. So don't enforce a brain to think and work too hard well ladies. This can make the workings of the brain is getting decreased each time the tablets. Enough sleep and relax can make the brain into a relaxed and refreshed.

Air pollution

The brain requires oxygen. Too long in the polluting the environment makes the brain works inefficiently.

4 Mistakes That Damage Hair When Shampooing

4 Mistakes That Damage Hair When Shampooing

Shampooing is routine to clean the hair. Unfortunately, many women make the mistake while washing the hair. Lustrous and healthy hair is not obtained, but the hair is damaged because of mistakes during shampooing.

Here's a few mistakes when shampooing:

1. Shampooing Every Day

Shampooing every day is not recommended, because the scalp will produce natural oils that maintain the health and softness of hair. Shampooing too often will make the hair more dry because it had no natural oils. So shampooing every two days.

2. Shampoo Wearing Too Much

Shampoo can make hair dry if used too much. Apply shampoo to taste. For owners of medium hair or slightly below the shoulders, shampoo takes only about as big as a coin of money.

3. Not Use Conditioner

Shampoo and conditioner should always be used together. Smoothing the hair cuticle conditioner functions as messy shampoo. So the hair softer, glowing and healthy.

4 . Shampooing With Water Too Hot

Wash with warm water is good, but make sure the water temperature is more inclined to warm the cold rather than hot is too hot. Water that is too hot can damage the hair structure and make the scalp dry.

3 Ways Diet Increase The Durability of The Body

3 Ways Diet Increase The Durability of The Body

You certainly know, the body will remain healthy for the discipline of keeping food intake. However, in the current flu season, you also need a proper diet strategies for increasing body endurance. The following three simple ways to govern the diet can increase the durability of your body.

1. Enough vitamin D.
Health problems can You press would be sure if the body needs vitamin d. vitamin D diversified Sources, can of salmon or fortified milk. If the source of this vitamin D found to be difficult, vitamin D supplements could help.

Research involving more than 300 children of Japan showed children who regularly consume vitamin D supplements (1,200 IU), 40 percent less exposed to the flu virus.

Adit Ginde, a public health researcher from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver says laboratory studies indicated the nutrients help immune cells to identify and destroy disease-causing viruses.

2. Enough fiber.
Research in mice which was published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity demonstrates a pattern of soluble fiber-rich meals for six weeks speed up recovery from a bacterial infection.

Soluble fiber can be derived from citrus fruit, apples, carrots, nuts, and oats. Christina Sherry, researchers from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor says food rich in fiber the soluble effective against inflammation.

To increase the power of the body, soluble fiber consumption is 25-35 grams a day, suggestions of Sherry.

3. reduce daily calories.
Adults who are overweight can increase the durability of up to 50 percent of his body by reducing calorie intake by one-third of daily caloric intake.

The six-month study at Tufts University shows this. According to Simin Meydani, an expert in nutritional immunology from Tufts University-says the restriction of calories may reduce levels of compounds in the body that suppresses the immune system response.

Calorie reduction also applies to adults with normal weight. "Try to keep the weight to remain ideal," advice.

Eating more than you should be lower body endurance. By reducing the number of daily meals, you will also be more focused on the quality of the food. Try to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables every day, and choose lean protein such as fish, chicken, low-fat milk.

7 Strange Things To Help Get Rid of Fat

7 Strange Things To Help Get Rid of Fat

If you want to look slimmer by reducing body fat, the best way to do this is to eat healthy and exercise. However, there are also things that are somewhat unique and strange that helps suppress the appetite.

When your appetite is suppressed, the body tends to utilize fat reserves for energy. That's why, the appetite is suppressed, the body fat reserves are dwindling. Note the incoming nutrients also needs sufficient and balanced in order for health remain prime.

Well, here are seven strange things that help get rid of body fat:

1. breath of peppermint

Inhale the aroma of a fresh peppermint regularly will help reduce appetite and calorie intake. So that concludes a study from Wheeling Jesuit University. Participants in the study, breathing in the scent of the peppermint gain calories fewer a week 3,458 compared a typical day without peppermint.

2. Color plates

A particular plate's color can also affect the appetite. Red is the colour of which help people to eat less. Dare to change the color of your plate at home?

3. Use cash

A study last year found, people who use cash to pay bills tend to buy healthier food than those using credit cards.

4. Chocolate

Chew Tan is associated with abdominal fat levels lower. According to a study. According to the researchers, this is because the chocolate in particular dark chocolate contains more antioxidants. In the meantime, antioxidants play a role in improving the function of metabolism.

5. the temperature of the bedroom

According to a study, the lower the temperature the bedroom can help you lose weight. This is because during sleep, the body can burn calories more to stabilize the temperature of the cold temperature in the room. Researchers prove, participants who slept in a room-temperature 19 degrees Celsius to burn 100 calories more than if they sleep in the living room-temperature of 24 degrees Celsius in 24 hours.

Francesco Saverio Celi, researchers from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease, say, sleeping at a lower temperature to make the body must work harder to maintain a stable body temperature at 37 degrees Celsius range.

6. see pictures of healthy foods

See photos of low calorie food before snacking may be able to suppress the appetite. A recent study found, those who see low calorie foods tend to have fewer than not.

7. work desk tidy

Spending time on a clean Workbench tends to make people choose healthy meals compared to the desk is a mess. That's what's found in a study in the past year.

Men Tend To Ignore Health Than Women

Men Tend To Ignore Health Than Women

Some specific habits and behavior is often done man, who can make their health at risk. Here are a few things that could threaten the health of the men.

Avoid routine inspection
Most men do not do routine checks on their health. Men are also easy to underestimate the potential for health problems they have experienced.

In fact, regular inspections need to be conducted to find out the condition of the body, and if there are any dangerous diseases that threaten health.

Smoking causes a number of health problems. Smoking also contributes to high blood pressure and heart disease. Unhealthy habits is also the main cause of many types of cancer, including cancers of the lung, throat, and mouth.

90 percent of cases of lung cancer are directly related to smoking. Smoking is also associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is usually a chronic bronchitis.

Poor eating patterns
A poor diet can trigger a range of health risks. Including, malnutrition and low body immunity, which ultimately makes the body vulnerable to various diseases.

Ignore early symptoms
Men tend to ignore the early signs of the disease. As a result, they belatedly realized how severe their disease.

Maternal America Women's Maternity Front Tie Dress

Maternal America Women's Maternity Front Tie Dress  

Maternal America offer Maternal America Women's Maternity Front Tie Dress. This is A stylishly fitted top and cotton twill skirt dress.

Maternal America Women's Maternity Front Tie Dress :
  • 96% Rayon/4% Spandex
  • Hand Wash
  • Cap sleeve
  • Scoop neck
  • Empire waist
  • Self belt
  • Maternal America positions a flattering tie at the empire waist of this flexible style.
  • Made in USA

Product Information
  • ASIN: B004VQ0H0C
  • Product Dimensions: 1 x 1 x 1 inches; 1 pounds
  • Shipping Weight: 1 pounds
  • Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.
  • Origin: Made in the USA and Imported

Please Click Here For More Maternal America Women's Maternity Front Tie Dress, if this is a must have product, be sure to order now to avoid disappointment.

Avoid Doing These 5 Things While Pregnant

Avoid Doing These 5 Things While Pregnant

Pregnancy is the most beautiful gift that occurs in a woman's life so that the pregnant women also guard it with extreme caution. Many of those who avoid doing strenuous physical activity that may harm the fetus which it contains.

If you are pregnant, avoid doing the following things:

Smoking is one of the things most endanger pregnant women. When a pregnant woman smokes, the toxins from cigarettes will enter into the blood stream and affect the supply of oxygen and nutrients needed by the fetus. Complications during pregnancy and the birth of premature babies are some of the effects of smoking.

Wear high heels
Many pregnant women who think that high heels will not endanger their pregnancy too. However, when pregnant women wearing high heels, the most obvious dangers can occur is drop, the appearance of swelling in legs, and hip and back pain to worsen during pregnancy.

Use chemical-based cleaning fluid
Most liquid cleaners contain chemicals that can harm the health of excessive fetal. These chemicals can be absorbed into your bloodstream. Therefore try to use natural cleaning ingredients.

Taking the drug without a prescription
While pregnant, you can't consume drugs especially in vain in the absence of a prescription or advice from a doctor. Avoid taking any medication especially with high doses of drugs,

Clean the dirt cat
Cat feces can contain bacteria toxic to pregnant women. You can be exposed to the risk of toxoplasmosis that endanger the health of the fetus.

While pregnant, you should really pay attention to physical activity and the things that can harm your pregnancy. Avoid things that will harm Your content such as the above.

Pregnancy Miracle

Pregnancy Miracle

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Foods That Can Be Eaten

Foods That Can Be Eaten

Food can be stored in the refrigerator for a longer durability. However, there are also glimpses of food stored in the refrigerator, thus less tasty when consumed.

For edible, food-food from the refrigerator must be defrosted (equated with temperature room temperature) first and then cooked. Well, here are a few foodstuffs that can be consumed directly without having to first disbursed:

While it was still cold, the Vitamin C in oranges will be shortened for one day. These levels will be more when refrigerated. So, don't be afraid to mengonsumsinya will not happen immediately because an overdose on his.

Yogurt is a beneficial bacteria to help prevent digestive problems. However, its benefits will not end when cooled.

Spice this one good for relieving colds. Best when eaten raw.

Green vegetables
Green vegetables is a healthy food, have lots of vitamins that can be absorbed by the body. All kinds of vegetables greatly help keep the body. The darker the color green was the harbinger of the better.

Carrots and vegetables contain high levels of beta-carotene, can maintain a strong immune system and good for the throat, so baseball consumed when the problem is still cold

Fish oil
Fish oil in tuna, salmon, very high fat mackarel, and is great for keeping the immune system by either.

Fennel can be eaten raw or roasted, and the seeds can be made into a tea.

Proteins, such as skinless chicken, Turkey, and pork loin, not only helps build muscle, but it helps us build up antibodies. So give up meat processed chicken in Your soup!

Can be consumed while still cold, even edible while still raw.

Contains more antioxidants than any other fruit and can be very helpful in increasing the immunity of the body. It's also keeping you healthy.

Pregnant Women Must Avoid This Diet

Pregnant Women Must Avoid This Diet

Food intake during pregnancy is very influential on the health of the mother and the baby was conceived. Therefore, it is important for women to implement a balanced and healthy diet while pregnant.

In practice, there diet is not recommended to be performed by a woman during her pregnancy because it could have an impact is not good for mother and baby. Here is a diet that should be avoided by pregnant women:

-This is an important point in your pregnancy, i.e. don't make it a habit to eat your favorite foods as a routine. This especially is unhealthy food choices, such as processed food.

-Very reasonable when the pregnant woman began to hate fast food. This is because the possibility of food you make or buy more food leads to junk food. Very important to avoid junk food or other processed foods during pregnancy to maintain good health and weight loss.

-When a pregnant woman will experience the usually cravings. It is natural, but sometimes you want items that are not food, and this should be avoided. So, do not want the potentially toxic ingredients that will be detrimental for both you and baby.

-Whatever your food it is necessary and important to limit it to once a day. Usually the taste cravings will subside after the birth, and will go back to normal life, so be patient intake consumed.

Trendy Fashion Style Can Damage Health?

Trendy Fashion Style Can Damage Health?

The latest fashion trends to offer the designers it is always interesting to try. Moreover, if such trends make our appearance look more slender. But in addition to giving the appearance that is stylish, trendy fashion style can actually affect badly on health.

Big earrings
Not only increases the risk of infection, a large and heavy earrings can make the tip of the ear interested. In the long run this could damage parts of the ear lobe.

Large bag with small straps
Large bags are becoming the choice of many modern women because it could accommodate a variety of stuff practically. But the over-sized bag as this can lead to impaired balance muscles and shoulders one more ride. As a result the body posture is disrupted. The habit of carrying the bag too heavy on one part of the body can also create muscle stiffness, headaches, and back pain.

Tight Bra
A Bra that is too tight binding could interfere with the development of muscle tissue that support the breasts naturally. Ultimately this could accelerate the sagging breasts.

Tight belts

Wear a belt can indeed provide a sleek silhouette on the body, but don't tie it too tight because it can trigger neuroses. One of the symptoms is feeling invulnerable on the feet.

Thong Panties
Underwear made of a material that does not breathe like the Lacy material could lead to sex organs become moist so that infection is easy to happen. Thong Panties thin model also facilitates the transfer of bacteria from the anus.

Pants tight
Clothes that are too tight can ruin the balance and disrupt the movement so that the posture is disrupted. Other bad effects is not a straight spine, nerve, and a yeast infection in the sex organs.

High heel shoes

The dangers of the habit of wearing high-heeled shoes may have you heard. The most dangerous effect of this model include shoes pinched nerves, sprains, heel pain, and much more.

Integrative Therapeutics Coq10, 200mg, Maple Nut Flavor, 400 Chewable Wafers

Integrative Therapeutics Coq10, 200mg, Maple Nut Flavor, 400 Chewable Wafers

Integrative Therapeutics offer Integrative Therapeutics Coq10, 200mg, Maple Nut Flavor, 400 Chewable Wafers. Supplemental CoQ10 supports heart and cardiovascular health by replenishing CoQ10 levels that naturally decrease with age. Published studies show results. Vitaline® CoQ10 is shown in published studies to cross the cellular membrane and blood brain barrier, which increases cellular energy and production, and promotes cardiovascular health.Vitaline® CoQ10 is most the widely studied CoQ10 supplement available. As the most studied CoQ10 supplement on the market, Vitaline® CoQ10 is used by leading medical specialists worldwide. The first CoQ10 proven to be safe and effective in high doses. Vitaline® CoQ10 is a clinically proven CoQ10 to support cardiac, neurological, and immune health. It is CoQ10 in a pure, natural form - not synthesized.

Integrative Therapeutics Coq10, 200mg, Maple Nut Flavor, 400 Chewable Wafers :
  • CoQ10 is essential for energy production at a cellular level.
  • Vitaline® CoQ10 is a clinically proven CoQ10 to support cardiac, neurological, and immune health.
  • Vitaline® CoQ10 is shown in published studies to cross the cellular membrane and blood brain barrier, which increases cellular energy and production, and promotes cardiovascular health.
Product Details
  • Product Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 6.2 inches ; 14.4 ounces
  • Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds
  • Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S. and to APO/FPO addresses. For APO/FPO shipments, please check with the manufacturer regarding warranty and support issues.
  • Origin: USA
  • UPC: 871791000308
Please Click Here For More Information About Integrative Therapeutics Coq10, 200mg, Maple Nut Flavor, 400 Chewable Wafers, if this is a must have product, be sure to order now to avoid disappointment.

Nutrition For Your Brain : Support Brain Development Health Solution

Nutrition For Your Brain : Support Brain Development Health Solution

Total Natural offer [12 Bottles] DHA 500 500mg 360s - Support Brain Development Health Solution. This is for 12 bottles of DHA 500 500mg 360s. [[Function: Fish oil is a reputable source of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is important for mental and visual function. It helps retain triglyceride levels that are already within a normal range. Concentrations of DHA can also be found in the heart and brain. It is the source of EPA and DHA for the maintenance of good health. It helps support cognitive health and brain function.

[12 Bottles] DHA 500 500mg 360s - Support Brain Development Health Solution :
  • Benefit In Brain Care
  • NPN: 80004048
  • We manufacture our own nutrition supplements. Quality and Your Saving are our first target.
  • We answer your questions on nutrition supplement, herbal materials, and multiple usage function.
  • This product is for market all over the world.

Fish oil is a reputable source of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is important for mental and visual function. It helps retain triglyceride levels that are already within a normal range. Concentrations of DHA can also be found in the heart and brain. It is the source of EPA and DHA for the maintenance of good health. It helps support cognitive health and brain function.

For adults, take one (1) softgel per day.

Please Click Here For More Information About [12 Bottles] DHA 500 500mg 360s - Support Brain Development Health Solution, if this is a must have product, be sure to order now to avoid disappointment.

10 Things You Didn't Know about The Brain

10 Things You Didn't Know about The Brain

Popular culture tells us that women and men's brains are just different. It's true that male and female hormones affect brain development differently, and imaging studies have found brain differences in the ways women and men feel pain, make social decisions and cope with stress. The extent to which these differences are genetic versus shaped by experience -- the old nature-versus-nurture debate -- is unknown.

But for the most part, male and female brains (and brainpower) are similar. A 2005 American Psychologist analysis of research on gender differences found that in 78 percent of gender differences reported in other studies, the effect of gender on the behavior was in the small or close-to-zero range. And recent studies have debunked myths about the genders' divergent abilities. A study published in the January 2010 Psychological Bulletin looked at almost half a million boys and girls from 69 countries and found no overall gap in math ability. Focusing on our differences may make for catchy book titles, but in neuroscience, nothing is ever that simple.

Brains never stop changing

Scientific wisdom once held that once you hit adulthood, your brain lost all ability to form new neural connections. This ability, called plasticity, was thought to be confined to infancy and childhood.

Wrong. A 2007 study on a stroke patient found that her brain had adapted to the damage to nerves carrying visual information by pulling similar information from other nerves. This followed several studies showing that adult mice could form new neurons. Later studies found more evidence of human neurons making new connections into adulthood; meanwhile, research on meditation showed that intense mental training can change both the structure and function of the brain.

Teen brains aren't fully formed

Parents of stubborn teenagers rejoice, or at least relax: That adolescent attitude stems, in part, from the vagaries of brain development.

The gray matter of the brain peaks just before puberty and is pruned back down throughout adolescence, with some of the most dramatic development happening in the frontal lobes, the seat of judgment and decision-making.

A 2005 study published in the journal Child Development found that the parts of the brain responsible for multitasking don't fully mature until we're 16 or 17 years old. And research presented at the BA Festival of Science in 2006 revealed that teens also have a neural excuse for self-centeredness. When considering an action that would affect others, teens were less likely than adults to use the medial prefrontal cortex, an area associated with empathy and guilt. Teens learn empathy by practicing socializing, the researchers said. So much for grounding them until they're 20.

The brain starts out as a tube

The foundation for the brain is set early. Three weeks after conception, a sheet of embryonic cells called the neural plate folds and fuses into the neural tube. This tissue will become the central nervous system.

The neural tube grows and differentiates throughout the first trimester. (When cells differentiate they specialize into various tissues needed to create body parts.) It isn't until the second trimester that glia and neurons begin to form. The brain doesn't wrinkle up until even later. At 24 weeks, magnetic resonance imaging shows just a few nascent grooves in the otherwise smooth surface of the fetal brain, according to a 2000 study in the journal Radiology. As the third trimester begins in week 26, the grooves deepen and the brain begins to look more like that of a newborn.

The brain is an exclusive club

Like bouncers at a night club, an assembly of cells in the brain's blood system, called the blood-brain barrier, lets only a few molecules into the nervous system's inner sanctum - the brain. The capillaries that feed the brain are lined with tightly bound cells, which keep out large molecules. Special proteins in the barrier transport necessary nutrients and substances into the brain. Only an elite few make it through.

The blood-brain barrier protects the brain, but it can also keep out lifesaving medications. Physicians trying to treat brain tumors can use drugs to open the junctions between cells, but that leaves the brain temporarily vulnerable to infection. One new way to sneak meds past the barrier might be nanotechnology. A 2009 study published in the journal Cancer Research showed that specially-engineered nanoparticles can cross the barrier and attach to tumor tissue. In the future, combining nanoparticles with chemotherapy drugs could be one way to target tumors.

Most of our brain cells are neurons

The old saw that we use just 10 percent of our brainpower isn't true, but we now know that neurons make up just 10 percent of our brain cells. The other 90 percent, which account for about half the brain's weight, are called glia, which means "glue" in Greek.

Neuroscientists used to think glia were simply the sticky stuff that holds neurons together. But recent research has shown glia to be much more. A 2005 paper in the journal Current Opinions in Neurobiology laid out the roles of these unsung cells, which range from mopping up excess neurotransmitters to providing immune protection to actually promoting and modulating synapse growth and function. (Synapses are the connections between neurons.) It turns out the silent majority isn't so silent after all.

Wrinkles make us smart

What's the secret to our species' smarts? The answer may be wrinkles. The surface of the human brain is convoluted by deep fissures, smaller grooves called sulci, and ridges called gyri. This surface is called the cerebral cortex and is home to about 100 billion neurons, or nerve cells.

The folded, meandering surface allows the brain to pack in more surface area -- and thus, more processing power -- into the limited confines of the skull. Our primate relatives show varying degrees of convolution in their brains, as do other intelligent creatures like elephants. In fact, research done by Emory University neuroscientist Lori Marino has found that dolphins have even more pronounced brain wrinkles than humans.

Our brains burn through energy

The modern brain is an energy hog. The organ accounts for about 2 percent of body weight, but it uses about 20 percent of the oxygen in our blood and 25 percent of the glucose (sugars) circulating in our bloodstream, according to the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.

These energy requirements have spurred a debate among anthropologists about what fueled the evolution of big brains in the first place. Many researchers credit meat, citing evidence of hunting in our early ancestors. But meat would have been an unreliable food source, say other scientists. A 2007 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that modern-day chimps know how to dig for calorie-rich tubers on the savanna. Perhaps our ancestors did the same, boosting their brainpower with veggies.

As for what motivated the brain to balloon in size, there are three major hypotheses: climate change, the demands of ecology, and social competition.

...But they're getting smaller

Don't get too cocky about your soda-bottle-sized brain. Humans 5,000 years ago had brains that were even larger.

"We do know from archaeological data that pretty much everywhere we can measure -- Europe, China, South Africa, Australia -- that brains have shrunk about 9 cubic inches (150 cubic centimeters), from an average of about 82 in^3 (1,350 cm^3). That's roughly 10 percent," University of Wisconsin at Madison paleoanthropologist John Hawks told LiveScience in 2009.

Researchers don't know why brains might be shrinking, but some theorize that they're evolving to be more efficient. Others think our skulls are getting smaller because our diets include more easily chewable foods and so large, strong jaws are no longer required.

Whatever the reason, brain size doesn't directly correlate with intellect, so there's no evidence that ancient man was brainier than humans of today.

Human brains are big...

The average adult brain weighs just under 3 pounds (between 1.3 and 1.4 kilograms). Some neurosurgeons describe the texture of a living brain as that of toothpaste, but according to neurosurgeon Katrina Firlik, a better analogy can be found in the local health-food store.

"[The brain] doesn't spread like toothpaste. It doesn't adhere to your fingers the way toothpaste does," Firlik writes in her memoir, "Another Day in the Frontal Lobe: A Brain Surgeon Exposes Life on the Inside" (Random House, 2006). "Tofu -- the soft variety, if you know tofu -- may be a more accurate comparison."

If you aren't charmed by that description, consider this: About 80 percent of the contents of your cranium is brain, while equal amounts of blood and cerebrospinal fluid, the clear liquid that buffers neural tissue, make up the rest. If you were to blend up all of that brain, blood and fluid, it would come to about 1.7 liters, or not quite enough to fill a 2-liter soda bottle.

Read The Book Change The Ability Of The Brain?

Read The Book Change The Ability Of The Brain?

An old expression says, good books, particularly fiction, can make readers are fused into the story in it. A new study from Emory University now confirm the truth of that phrase. According to the study, a person's brain activity changes when the middle was immersed in a book.

The Chairman of the study and Director of Emory University's Center for Neuropolicy, Professor Gregory Berns said, these findings may help scientists to deepen knowledge about the behavior of the brain. The study also found, people who read the books have a more comprehensive dangerous abilities and a stronger sense of empathy.

"The story in the book helped shape the life and in some cases help define a person. We want to know how the story goes into the brain and the process behind it, "says Berns.

In a study published in the journal Brain Connectivity, the research team involving 21 people to read the same book, Pompeii, by Robert Harris for 19 days. The book tells the story of a protagonist who lived outside the city of Pompeii and aware of the strangeness that occurs around the volcano.

"The book also has a strong narrative, depicting a man wanting to save the woman he loved. While the volcano continues to be volatile but no townspeople are aware of it, "explained Berns.

Researchers conducted brain scans with fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) to monitor the brain activity of participants before, during, and after reading the book. They give you pause about five days after the test is read during the period of time to see the effect.

The result, as in the days of reading books, participants have a different brain activity when not reading books, especially on the somatosensory cortex Central sulci and contexts that are responsible for certain acts of visualization capabilities without having to do the action.

"Changes in the nerves that we found associated with the physical sensations that make as if to make the reader becomes the protagonist of the story," explained Berns.

Last year, a team of psychologists found, people are unconsciously at least in some time used to be her favorite fictional character. That way, someone at the same time become more have empathy.

Foods Rich In Fiber Help Heal Asthma

Foods Rich In Fiber Help Heal Asthma

Asthma (from the Greek ἅσθμα, ásthma, "panting") is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, reversible airflow obstruction and bronchospasm. Common symptoms include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.

Research published in the scientific journal Nature Medicine, fruit, vegetables, and whole grains can help cope with asthma.

The researchers gave the rats into a number of foods. As a result, foods rich in fiber can minimize inflammation or inflammation of the lungs.

The addition of the fibers change the nutrients absorbed from the bowel, and then changing the immunization system.

The researchers said the more often people are consuming the products processed foods, may be the cause of increased cases of asthma.

Respiratory tract asthmatics are more sensitive, more susceptible to irritation and inflammation. When this happens, the respiratory tract shrink and make them difficult to breathe.

The researchers say further studies are needed in order to still the research can be applied to humans.

The Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook

The Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook
In Fact, Paleo Is Not Really a "Diet" At All!

It’s really a return to the type of eating your body naturally craves and was designed for. And that’s why it works. It’s based on how we humans evolved for literally millions of years.

Virtually Every Health Benefit Under the Sun Can Now Be Yours!

Just a few of the benefits user report are:

  • Leaner, Stronger Muscles
  • Increased Energy
  • Significantly More Stamina
  • Clearer, Smoother Skin
  • Weight Loss Results
  • Better Performance and Recovery
  • Stronger Immune System
  • Enhanced Libido
  • Greater Mental Clarity
  • No More Hunger/Cravings
  • Thicker, Fuller Hair
  • Clear Eyes

In fact, when you toss all the false nutritional info out there aside and finally get back to your roots, there's really no part of your health and body that DOESN'T get better in some way.

And that's why the Paleo Diet is by far the fastest growing eating trend on planet earth. Because the results speak for themselves.

The PaleoHacks Cookbook Is for ANYONE Serious About THRIVING on the Paleo Diet - For Life!

Yes, the recipes in this book are universally healthy and whether you’re a stay-at-home Mom, an elite athlete or a busy exectutive.

Remember: when you consume foods we as humans have evolved to eat and you cut out the “modern” foods that don’t mix with our genes and DNA...

You trigger a wave of rejuvenation throughout your body one that’s visible on your midsection, your muscle tone, skin, hair, face and much more.

This is just one reason why so many people from all walks of life are turning to the Paleo diet because it produces results without the oppressive, tasteless foods and portion or calorie control you find on most diets. Readmore

Best of California Deluxe Artisan Gourmet and Fruit Basket

Best of California Deluxe Artisan Gourmet and Fruit Basket

Golden State Fruit offer Best of California Deluxe Artisan Gourmet and Fruit Basket. Discerning tasters will notice that everything in this beautiful basket is incredible - the sort of treats that you hide from your spouse and co-workers because they are too good to share! No worries - there is more than enough fresh fruit and extreme artisan gourmet for everyone!

Best of California Deluxe Artisan Gourmet and Fruit Basket:
  • Nothing but the very best of our gourmet offerings are paired with gift-grade fruit in this large and beautiful basket.
  • Loaded with premium fruit like our signature Taylor Gold Comice Pears, Comice and red pears, 2 varieties of apples and navel oranges, kiwi and mango.
  • Fruit is complemented by generously sized portions of Romanello cheese, rosemary olive oil flatbread, baklava, dried fruit and rosemary almonds, renowned Girl in the Fig chutney and olive oil, Fudge from Napa, CA and so much more!
  • Beautifully presented in a keepsake basket and tied with a ribbon. See Product Description for complete ingredients.

2 Taylor's Gold Pears, 2 Comice Pears, 1 Red Pear, 2 Honey Crisp Apples, 1 Granny Smith Apples, 3 Navel Oranges, 2-3 Kiwi, 1 Mango, 6 oz. Fiscalini Gold Cheddar, 8 oz. Carmody Cheese, 4 oz. Rosemary Almonds, 8.5 oz. The Girl in the Fig Balsamic Vinegar, 8 oz. The Girl in the Fig Apricot Fig Chutney, 6 oz. Shelly's Chocolate Biscotti, 4 oz. Napa Valley Fudge Co. Fudge Truffle, 9 oz. Fudge Fatale Sauce, 6 oz. Rustic Bakery Rosemary, Olive Oil & Sel Gris Flatbread, 4 pc. Baklava, 4 oz. Dried Fruit

Please Click Here For More Information About Best of California Deluxe Artisan Gourmet and Fruit Basket, if this is a must have product, be sure to order now to avoid disappointment.

Organic California Bounty Fruit Basket

Organic California Bounty Fruit Basket

Golden State Fruit offer Organic California Bounty Fruit Basket. This Product is beautiful selections of choicest, freshest organic fruit are presented in a delectable display of sweet California sunshine in a sturdy wicker basket.

Organic California Bounty Fruit Basket :
  • Beautiful selections of choicest, freshest organic fruit.
  • A delectable display of sweet California sunshine in a sturdy wicker basket.
  • A healthy gift for all occasions.
  • All fruit is certified organic by CCOF.

3 Organic D'Anjou Pears, 1 Organic Red Pear , 2 Organic Beurre Bosc Pears , 2 Organic Imperial Fuji Apples, 1 Organic Granny Smith Apple , 2 Organic Royal Navel Oranges, 2 Organic Best-of-the-Harvest Seasonal Fruits

Please Click Here For More Information About Organic California Bounty Fruit Basket, if this is a must have product, be sure to order now to avoid disappointment.

7 Day Raw Detox


You Deserve to Have MORE Energy!

Not Only will a detox assist you in re-alkalizing your body causing you to feel more energetic, invigorated, healthier, less bloated and all round happier; PLUS it will also assist you in beginning to create new life-enhancing eating habits that will also impact the people in your life and family. You can break a habit anytime, but creating one may take time. So using this full 7 days with all the recipes, shopping lists, meal planners, VIP Support group and more might just be exactly what you need to create new positive eating habits creating a much healthier and happier lifestyle. Live longer! Live Stronger! You deserve to feel good and be happy!

SO what exactly is detoxification?

Well, simply put it’s a simple process that intentionally removes as many of the bodies ‘un-wanted’ toxins as possible. Every day we breathe air and eat food that is full of free radicals and toxins causing our body to go into an acidic state opening a window to allow for sickness, illness, slow metabolism, bloated-ness and increased body fat!

When the cells are hit with these toxins and free radicals, it literally kills off the electrons and once the cell reaches a certain amount of electrons the cell then dies. Once the cell dies it is replaced by a weaker version of its former self with less of the receptor sites it wasn’t using (i.e. to absorb nutrients) and more of the receptor sites it was using (i.e. fat). So the key is to use nutrients, minerals and antioxidants that are known as methyl-donors to help replenish the electrons at the cellular level. The most powerful way to do this is through increasing the alkalinity in our body.

What is Alkalizing?

Not only does Tony Robbins, the greatest Motivational Speaker on the planet use and promote this very form of detox, Dr Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young the authors of the Ph. Miracle say the following:

“Never count calories, fat grams, or food portions again! Say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease. Say hello to renewed vigor, mental clarity, better overall health, and a lean, trim body. The key? Your health depends on the pH balance of its blood, striking the optimum 80/20 balance between an alkaline and acidic environment provided by eating certain foods. Now an innovative, proven effective diet program can work with your body chemistry and help revitalize and maintain your health. Rediscover the secrets of: * Breakfast, the low-carb, high-fibre meal that will be the biggest change you'll make; * The cleanse--a liquid detox to reduce your body's impurities and normalize digestion and metabolism; *Ridding your body of harmful bacteria, yeast, and molds; *Alkaline foods--tomatoes, avocados, and green vegetables-and how to mix them with mildly acidic foods like fish, grains, and certain fruits to create tempting and delicious meals; *Supplements--how to select, shop, and calculate the right dosage for you; *Water, the all-important drink-how to make sure yours is safe, pure, and plentiful.”

So What EXACTLY is The 7 Day Raw Detox?

The 7 Day Raw Detox is a Vegan 7 day detox which means no consumption of processed foods (unless processed by you) no cooked food of any kind and nothing that originates from a living creature including any animals OR insects!

This includes no alcohol, coffee, meat, eggs, cheese, dairy, sugar, cereal, bread, pasta, rice, packet food or anything preserved through a cooking method of any kind.

You will be completely surprised how much food that still leaves when you take a look at our exciting recipes. Any fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, filtered water, herbs, spices, super foods, sprouted greens and lentils, cold pressed oils, raw vegan protein powder and much more.

5 Reasons To Eat Fruit Everyday Can Nourish The Body

5 Reasons To Eat Fruit Everyday Can Nourish The Body

In this modern era many people who do not have time to eat properly. Often they are too tired or too busy to prepare healthy meals. If you are unable to consume fresh food cooked, one alternative to preserve the health of the body is consuming fruit every day.

Eating fresh fruit daily note can provide many health benefits to the body. Here are the reasons why you should eat fruit every day,

The fruit contains a lot of water

Water is one of the human need to stay healthy. Lack of water intake will cause many ailments ranging from dehydration, kidney disease, and more. To that end, consuming fruits containing a lot of water, such as watermelon, guava, and other water could help maintain the health of the body. Consuming this fruit contains a lot of liquid as well as one alternative to fullfill the needs of body fluids if you're lazy too much drinking water.

The fruit contains antioxidants

Antioxidants are very important for warding off disease, infection, and free radicals that can harm the body. Some fruits like berries, apples, cherries and plums are fruit that contains a lot of antioxidants that can protect the health of the eyes, skin, and body as a whole.

The fruit contains a lot of fiber

Fiber your body needs to maintain the health of the digestive system. In addition to helping to nourish the body, fiber is also important if you're trying to diet. Fiber keeps you full faster and longer. Therefore, consuming this fruit is very important do every day to meet the needs of the body and maintain health fiber digestion.

The fruit contains vitamins and minerals

in addition to contain antioxidants, fiber, and water, a fruit also contain many vitamins and minerals. One example of a guava fruit contains a lot of potassium and good for diabetics. While the banana fruit is also good because it is full of nutrients that could increase energy in the body. Many more fruit that contain vitamins and minerals useful to nourish the body. Choose according to your needs and customize with your own State of health.

The fruit is not a heavy foods

You will never feel too full, if eating the fruit. Unless you overdose fruit which is certainly rare, fruit is one of the alternatives that could help maintain the health of your body. Easy fruit eaten, not making a full, easy to digest, and make you more excited.

One of the advantages of the fruit are they can be included in your food. You can add fruit cereal in the morning, eating fruit after lunch, and more. You can also use the fruit in a salad or eat them as a snack.

Sleep to Detoxify the brain

Sleep to Detoxify the brain

Never sleep deprivation? What were you feeling? Headaches, hard to concentrate, memory decrease, and all of it feels sluggish. But why? Researchers may have found the answer.

The benefits of sleep

Experts have long been trouble determining the benefits of sleep. If asked about the benefits of sleep, then the experts will answer don't know. They only knew the consequences if we lack sleep. That's because during this time, all research in the field of sleep is unable to directly examine the benefits of sleep. The only way of researching is to look at its effect on someone if sleep was reduced.

When lack of sleep or suffer from sleeping sickness, someone experiencing loss of brain functions. In addition, hormonal changes occur that will eventually disrupt the functions of the organs of the body and result in various diseases.

Experts have pointed to a decrease of body endurance, increased blood pressure, decreased cardiac function, metabolic disorders, up to the most easily visible is a decrease in the quality of the skin.

In a further development, several diseases decreased nerve function also suspected was exacerbated by lack of sleep or sleeping sickness. You name it, dementia, alzheimer's or parkinson's disease.

System glymphatic

The journal Science publishes a study that may give you a little enlightenment about the benefits of sleep directly. The study mentions that sleep serves as detox from materials remaining unused brain.

Our body has a system for disposing of the remains of the burning of the body unused. The system has had this functionality. However, the brain has no lymphatic system. The brain has its own system. Blood brain barrier, for example, it serves as a kind of filter materials just about anything can get in or out of the brain.

Experts say a system in the brain called the glymphatic system, which is taken from the name of glial cells and lymphatic system. Glial cells have also been known to play a role in the process of disposal of unused substances.

This is known as the glymphatic system is the system that discards amyloid beta, a metabolite which is believed by the experts involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Sleep to dispose of toxins

In theory, as long as the brain awake, working hard as if in need of combustion. This resulted in a combustion residual unused junk. Garbage-garbage must be disposed of so that it cannot accumulate and poison the brain. Well, sleep role to detoxify the brain from toxic substances.

Experts want to see how work this exhaust system. For that they inject the dye substance in the brain fluid of rats. First with green dye, and this stimulated rats to fall asleep. After sleeping for half an hour, the rats were injected with a dye that is red again.

By comparing brain this colored liquid flow, experts can determine how fluids move in the brain. Found that the gap between the cells while awake is merely 5 percent than when sleeping. Thus it was concluded that, while sleeping, brain fluid to flow more copiously.

Compared with the volume of the brain, the gap between the cells while awake is 13-15 percent. As for while sleeping, this gap widened 22-24 percent of the volume of the brain. Unfortunately, researchers have yet to figure out how this gap could widen. Possibly because the cells shrinks while sleeping.

Diseases neuro-degenerative

Alzheimer's disease and some diseases due to other suspected nerve function caused by lack of sleep as well as buildup of residual substances in the brain. Either because production of metabolites of metabolites of excessive harm-or because of a breakdown in the system of disposal of such substances, but the lack of sleep itself is certainly going to lose nerve functions.

All these factors will certainly damage the neurons nerves that eventually led to dementia or senility.

Certainly like other groundbreaking studies, this study raises more questions. Hopefully more studies giving enlightenment about the relationship of sleep and disease-disease of the neuro-degenerative diseases.