In this modern era many people who do not have time to eat properly. Often they are too tired or too busy to prepare healthy meals. If you are unable to consume fresh food cooked, one alternative to preserve the health of the body is consuming fruit every day.
Eating fresh fruit daily note can provide many health benefits to the body. Here are the reasons why you should eat fruit every day,
The fruit contains a lot of water
Water is one of the human need to stay healthy. Lack of water intake will cause many ailments ranging from dehydration, kidney disease, and more. To that end, consuming fruits containing a lot of water, such as watermelon, guava, and other water could help maintain the health of the body. Consuming this fruit contains a lot of liquid as well as one alternative to fullfill the needs of body fluids if you're lazy too much drinking water.
The fruit contains antioxidants
Antioxidants are very important for warding off disease, infection, and free radicals that can harm the body. Some fruits like berries, apples, cherries and plums are fruit that contains a lot of antioxidants that can protect the health of the eyes, skin, and body as a whole.
The fruit contains a lot of fiber
Fiber your body needs to maintain the health of the digestive system. In addition to helping to nourish the body, fiber is also important if you're trying to diet. Fiber keeps you full faster and longer. Therefore, consuming this fruit is very important do every day to meet the needs of the body and maintain health fiber digestion.
The fruit contains vitamins and minerals
in addition to contain antioxidants, fiber, and water, a fruit also contain many vitamins and minerals. One example of a guava fruit contains a lot of potassium and good for diabetics. While the banana fruit is also good because it is full of nutrients that could increase energy in the body. Many more fruit that contain vitamins and minerals useful to nourish the body. Choose according to your needs and customize with your own State of health.
The fruit is not a heavy foods
You will never feel too full, if eating the fruit. Unless you overdose fruit which is certainly rare, fruit is one of the alternatives that could help maintain the health of your body. Easy fruit eaten, not making a full, easy to digest, and make you more excited.
One of the advantages of the fruit are they can be included in your food. You can add fruit cereal in the morning, eating fruit after lunch, and more. You can also use the fruit in a salad or eat them as a snack.
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